It’s clear that the ILLA may not be the optimum solution in these circumstances.
But with the stark reality that clients have not saved sufficiently for retirement, locking their investments into a fixed-rate annuity may also not be the solution.
We need to consider alternative solutions such as with-profit annuities where the clients’ investments can participate in the fortunes of growth assets and still be safeguarded from longevity risk.
But of course the issue investors often have with this option is the starting income is not sufficient to replace their working income and they do not like the idea of capital being forfeited when they die.
Whilst many clients choose the ILLA in order to leave an inheritance, should the they live too long, the only inheritance the children may end up with is supporting their parents and their medical bills. Clients have to realise that their pension fund should supply them with an income and that any inheritance is an additional benefit.
Whilst there is no magic wand that can right the savings ills of these clients, combining different annuity options can optimise the client’s retirement income.
Consider Glacier’s Investment-Linked Lifetime Income Plan (ILLI). This product guarantees a fixed number of retirement income units, which start at R1 per unit. Growth on the unit price is determined by the growth in the underlying portfolio, but since the income does not come from the growth of the portfolio, the price of a portfolio in the ILLI can grow far quicker than in the case of an ILLA. This difference is where the long-term benefit of the ILLI lies.
The retirement income units guarantee is determined by the age and gender of the single, or joint lives. An income acceleration rate (IAR), which varies from 0%–3%, also plays a role and allows clients to increase the starting income in exchange for giving a portion of future income growth.