Now Is the Time to Plan for Your Health
The unexpected costs linked to cancer treatment can cause financial stress, so
planning effectively is key. Factoring the costs of medication, the assistance you may need with duties such as getting a driver to run errands or getting an extra hand to help around the house can leave a big hole in your pocket, even with the help of a medical aid.
Dr Morkel notes that the time spent off work is often underestimated. Not everyone has the same reaction to treatment plans and, for some, it can be quite debilitating. The treatment may include changes in your body that would require a new wardrobe or accessories to assist with improving your self-image. An example of such a cost is wearing a wig should you experience hair loss due to chemotherapy.
Ensuring that the gap is met, and everyone has a fair chance to access quality healthcare, CANSA has eight mobile health clinics that travel to remote areas throughout South Africa to reach women and men who do not have access to screenings. Some of the services offered through the mobile clinics include clinical breast examinations, tutorials on how to do self-breast examinations and pap smears, the screening test for early diagnosis of cervical cancer. Further assistance such as cancer education, queries, and support are offered via CANSA’s WhatsApp line (+27 71 867 3580) in isiXhosa, isiZulu, Sesotho, and siSwati.
No one plans on getting cancer, but the reality is that cancer affects 25% of South Africans,” concludes Dr Morkel. “Start planning for tomorrow today and safeguard your future to ensure you and your loved ones are cared for.”